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Kiambere plantation’s unique ecological value
Kiambere plantation is located in Kitui county, with a gentle topography in a semi-arid climate with erratic and unreliable rainfall
From Mukau Fruits to New Seeds
The mukau seedlings we use for our outstanding mahogany trees — which are lighter in weight than natural American mahogany and teak wood, but much harder than both species — are hard to obtain.
Buy/donate trees
Calculate your carbon offset
Enter the number of people you want to offsett carbon emissions to, or calculate the carbon offsett value based of trees or tons.
A person living in Norway emits an average of 7 tonnes of CO2 per year
Carbon offsett
tons of CO2
Number of trees
When you buy a tree we will replant the tree 3 times after harvesting. Together, we will then plant a purchased tree 4 times over a period of 80 years. You then contribute to a continuous capture of CO2 throughout this period.
When you donate a tree, it will be harvested after 20 years. You will then be given the option to donate the purchase amount to a charity. With this, you both contribute to a better environment as well contributes to supporting a charity.