Privacy Policy

Trees4CO2 is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We collect and use information according to the regulations set forth by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Personal information such as name, email, and address is collected and used to provide our services and communicate with you regarding your tree donation. Depending on the information you give away, we will collect and maintain your:

  • contact information, such as your name, city, country, cell phone, and e-mail;
  • certain other information you may provide to us in your communications or in connection with other services.

We gather this information for effective communication with you regarding your interests. By agreeing to this, you allow us at Trees4CO2 (T4C) to contact you through a T4C representative, including our support team, IT department, or any employee of T4C.

We may also collect information about your computer, such as IP address, operating system, and browser type, for system administration and to enhance our registration forms and generate reports. These reports provide statistical data on the browsing behavior and patterns of our users without identifying them as individuals.

To improve the user experience, we utilize Google Analytics to track user interaction and engagement with our website and social media. The reports from Google Analytics enable us to analyze and improve our site.

We will not share, sell, or rent your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent.

Your sensitive information, such as password, is encrypted and stored securely.

We reserve the right to modify our Privacy Policy at any time, and changes will be communicated to our users through an update on our website.


Cookies store data on your computer’s hard drive and are used to track information such as the time of your visit, whether you’ve been to the site before, and what referral site led you there. They help us recognize repeat visitors, improve site functionality and user experience, and allow us to track usage patterns for content improvement. Essential cookies have already been set for necessary site operations.

We use cookies for Google Analytics on our site to understand user engagement. The information collected is anonymous and only used for reporting website trends. Google Analytics may also be linked to Google AdWords to display our ads across the Google Display Network. Additionally, we may use Google Analytics for data collection to improve our understanding of users through features such as Audience Demographics and Interests Reporting, DoubleClick Campaign Manager reporting, DoubleClick Bid Manager reporting, and Google Display Network Impression Reporting.


If you do not want to receive news and promotional materials from T4C, you can change your settings in your account under “User Settings”. Additionally, you can opt-out of our news and promotional emails by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

To disable cookies placed by T4C on your computer, you can modify the preferences section of your browser under Edit/Preferences/Advanced. Note that disabling cookies may result in some aspects of the T4C site becoming unavailable to you. If you don’t mind accepting cookies, but want to be informed when they appear, you can activate a warning prompt by modifying the cookie warning section of your browser under Edit/Preferences/Advanced.

To opt-out of Google Analytics, visit this Google page, and learn how to opt-out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all the websites you use, without affecting your experience on the Trees4CO2 site.

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