Let tree planting help your business achieve harmonious growth

We challenge businesses and companies to take responsibility for reducing their carbon footprint by work with Trees4Co2 to offset their emissions. Show your commitment to the environment for your employees, customers and partners by buying or donating trees for to counteract the climate crisis and deforestation. Our program guarantees continuous carbon capture of your trees for up to 80 years. * Applies to the purchase of trees.

Better Globe Forestry Ltd. is delighted to be an implementer of Trees4C02’s tree projects. Our collective wealth of experience and expertise positions us as trusted partners. We recognize the significance of our role in addressing global environmental challenges, and our collaboration stands as a pivotal force in supporting this noble cause.

Jean-Paul Deprins

Managing Director

Let Tree Planting Help Your Business and create a more balanced world

Make a Positive Impact on the Environment!

Contribute to the global fight against climate change through responsible business practices. Offset your carbon emissions by adopting sustainable initiatives such as tree planting.

Boost employee engagement

Foster a greater sense of responsibility and job satisfaction among employees by involving them in your company's green initiatives. Show them that their work extends beyond business and contributes to preserving the environment.

Grow your customer loyalty

Enhance your brand's reputation and loyalty by showing your customers your dedication to environmental preservation. Through sustainable practices like tree planting, you make them a part of your green journey.

Determining the Number of Trees to Purchase

Calculating emissions can be a complex task, with various tools providing different results. According to the demographics of our target donors, the average person emits 7 tons of CO2 per year. Our forestry partner has found that two trees can capture 1 ton of CO2 over a 20 year growth period. To fully offset one person's emissions, 14 trees would be needed.

It's up to your business to decide how to contribute to tree planting and support the ecosystem. You can choose to offset the emissions of all your employees, donate a percentage of all sales towards tree planting, or explore other ways to engage your business in offsetting emissions.

The Mighty Giant Lira

Better Globe Forestry (BGF), our forestry partner, launched its farmers program and began planting the Giant Lira in the Dokola district in Northern Uganda in 2018. The Giant Lira is BGF's flagship species, and two million trees were planted in just the first four years. Dokolo and surrounding districts are ideal for tree planting, as the area was once covered by rainforest before being destroyed during colonial times for cotton farming (which ultimately failed). The flat topography facilitates harvesting and transportation, reducing stress on logistics.

Combining Carbon Offset and Social Empowerment

Our forestry partner, Better Globe Forestry, takes a unique approach to forestry by combining tree planting with agroforestry and supporting farmers in Northern Uganda. BGF's mission to alleviate poverty has driven them to go above and beyond traditional forestry practices, creating a new concept that prioritizes landscape restoration, food security, and farmer empowerment. By working with BGF through Trees4CO2, businesses can not only offset their carbon emissions but also contribute to a positive social impact in local communities.

Ready to make a difference?

Select whether you want to buy trees or offset your emissions below and get started with your journey to a more future-oriented business growth.

Ready to make a difference?

Select whether you want to to buy trees or offsett your emissions below and get started with your journey to a more harmounious business growth.

Buy trees

When you buy a tree we will replant the tree 3 times after harvesting. Together, we will then plant a purchased tree 4 times over a period of 80 years. You then contribute to a continuous capture of CO2 throughout this period.

Donate trees

When you donate a tree, it will be harvested after 20 years. You will then be given the option to donate the purchase amount to a charity. With this, you both contribute to a better environment as well contributes to supporting a charity.

Calculate your carbon offset

Enter the number of people you want to offsett carbon emissions to, or calculate the carbon offsett value based of trees or tons.
A person living in Norway emits an average of 7 tonnes of CO2 per year

One-time Purchase
Monthly Subscription

Carbon offsett

tons of CO2

Number of trees




When you buy a tree we will replant the tree 3 times after harvesting. Together, we will then plant a purchased tree 4 times over a period of 80 years. You then contribute to a continuous capture of CO2 throughout this period.

Your product is successfully added to the cart.

Ofte stilte spørsmål

What is a personal CO2 quota?

A quota is how much CO2 a person offsets per year. This varies greatly depending on living conditions, travel frequencies (domestic/international), personal habits, driving, distance to work and how you get there, etc.

Trees4CO2 is based on the calculation method of the World Bank and the UN. For a person in Norway, the average CO2 footprint approx. 7 tons annually.

How much CO2 does each tree absorb?

Each tree absorbs in excess of 0,5 tons CO2.

What is the difference between a purchase and a donation?

We offer two options to offset CO2 for our customers.

When you buy a tree, we will replant the tree 3 times after harvesting (the tree is harvested after 20 years). Together we will then plant a purchased tree 4 times over a period of 80 years. You then contribute to a continuous capture of CO2 through all of this period.

When you donate a tree, it is harvested after 20 years. You then get the opportunity to donate the purchase price to a charity organization. In this way, you contribute both to a better environment and to supporting a charitable organization.

How is the amount of captured carbon being calculated (CO2)?

The carbon capture is calculated by the organization Dutch Green. Each tree captures approximately 0.5 tons of CO2.

How to ensure quality tree planting process?

Trees4CO2 is your Norwegian partner in the CO2 capture process. All aspects will be organized and handled by us in the relation to our customers. We have a well-established partner in Africa with 20 years’ experience. Our partner has a highly experienced organization with management from Belgium/Africa. Better Globe Forestry has so far planted 3.6 million trees.

Where are the trees planted?

The trees are planted mainly in Kenya and Uganda.

How are the trees planted?

A significant majority of our trees are planted in what is described as dryland (uncultivated land). This is semi-arid and arid territory.

When are the trees harvested?

It varies depending on where the trees are planted. In Uganda, the trees are harvested after 15 years. In Kenya, the trees are harvested after 16-20 years.

Which type of tree is planted?

Mahogany trees planted in Kenya are developed and cultivated to become significant and powerful absorbers of carbon emissions. The tree planting is directed by our partner Better Globe Forestry and helps to restore ecosystems, biodiversity, as well as the crucial conversion of dryland to cultivated land.

Buy/donate trees

Calculate your carbon offset

Enter the number of people you want to offsett carbon emissions to, or calculate the carbon offsett value based of trees or tons.
A person living in Norway emits an average of 7 tonnes of CO2 per year

One-time Purchase
Monthly Subscription

Carbon offsett

tons of CO2

Number of trees




When you buy a tree we will replant the tree 3 times after harvesting. Together, we will then plant a purchased tree 4 times over a period of 80 years. You then contribute to a continuous capture of CO2 throughout this period.

Your product is successfully added to the cart.

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