Make a positive
impact on the environment

Take action against carbon emissions and deforestation with Trees4CO2. We provide the ultimate solution to offset carbon emissions through sustainable tree planting. According to World Bank, a person living in Norway emits an average of 7 tons of CO2 per year.


We are dedicated to provide distinctive and impactful solutions

Trees4CO2 AS, a Norwegian company, is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world through sustainable forestry and carbon offsetting. By planting trees in semi-arid (uncultivated land) areas of East Africa, the company helps to restore degraded lands, create employment and financial opportunities for local communities, and decrease carbon emissions
More about us

How it works

1. Buy or donate trees

To combat carbon emissions, forest restoration is one of the most effective solutions to address climate change. Trees4CO2 offers two options in the growing market for carbon credits. You or your business can either purchase or donate trees. The price per tree is the same for both options – 15 EUR + VAT.

2. Trees are planted in East Africa/Kenya

Mahogany trees planted in Kenya and Uganda are developed and cultivated to become a significant and powerful absorber of carbon emissions. Every tree captures 0.5 tonnes of CO2. The tree planting is directed by Better Globe Forestry and help to restore ecosystems, biodiversity as well as the crucial conversion of dryland to cultivated land. The agroforestry way of working will in addition act as an enabler to improve the dignity of employment and living conditions for local communities.

3. Contribute to a lifelong improvement of the environment*

Become a customer of Trees4CO2 so that you compensate for your personal or company’s carbon footprint. When the trees are harvested, Trees4Co2 replants a new tree at no additional cost. The trees are replanted after each one harvest (every 20 years). This is then done a total of four times, so that every tree bought captures excess CO2 of 80 years. *NB, only applies to purchases, not donations.

We are partners with Better Globe Forestry

Trees4CO2 and its partner Better Globe Forestry (BGF) offer a proven and functional process to offset carbon emissions. In addition, we participate in a series of CSR projects with our partner in Africa. Trees4CO2 is it the commercial entity and has the sales and distribution rights on its behalf by Better Globe Forestry. BGF currently employs 150 full-time employees and 300 – 400 part-time employees, depending on the season. As a policy, the company offers career opportunities to young graduates from local learning institutions such as Eldoret University and Londiani Forestry College. The company also works with equality and integration of local expertise. The company is involved in a number of CSR and ESG projects.
Learn more

Take Action Against Carbon Emissions

On an individual level, our daily choices such as food, clothing, transportation, and consumption have an ecological impact. On a larger scale, industries and businesses also contribute to environmental degradation and strain on the world’s ecosystems.
Trees4CO2, a Norwegian company, provides an effective solution to offset carbon emissions through sustainable tree planting. Our program focuses on reforestation efforts in East Africa, where it is needed the most. By joining our cause, you are not only offsetting your carbon footprint but also supporting the local communities and preserving the environment.

Customer feedback

Sarpsborg Kiropraktorklinikk

Sarpsborg Chiropractic Clinic works daily to improve the lives of our clients, and we also want to contribute to improving the state of the planet we inhabit. Proud purchaser of trees in Trees4CO2, a program that addresses many important issues like carbon capture, planting in arid deserts, aiding the impoverished in Africa, and much more.

Morten Nygaard og Thomas Jakobsen


We at Helseposten are dedicated to conveying the message about health and how one can best take care of themselves. We recognize that the environment is also a part of our health and that everything is interconnected. It is exciting for us to be a part of a project like yours in Trees4CO2.

Cesilie Thorvig

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Trees for Individuals

Offset your carbon footprint and help the environment.

Make a positive impact for generations to come.

Mitigate the effects of desertification and erosion.

Help support sustainable livelihoods for local communities.

Trees for business

Boost employee engagement and grow customer loyalty.

Offset the carbon emissions generated by your business.

Make a Positive Impact on the Environment!

Grow your customer loyalty.

Frequently asked questions

What is a personal CO2 quota?

A quota is how much CO2 a person offsets per year. This varies greatly depending on living conditions, travel frequencies (domestic/international), personal habits, driving, distance to work and how you get there, etc.

Trees4CO2 is based on the calculation method of the World Bank and the UN. For a person in Norway, the average CO2 footprint approx. 7 tons annually.

How much CO2 does each tree absorb?

Each tree absorbs in excess of 0,5 tons CO2.

What is the difference between a purchase and a donation?

We offer two options to offset CO2 for our customers.

When you buy a tree, we will replant the tree 3 times after harvesting (the tree is harvested after 20 years). Together we will then plant a purchased tree 4 times over a period of 80 years. You then contribute to a continuous capture of CO2 through all of this period.

When you donate a tree, it is harvested after 20 years. You then get the opportunity to donate the purchase price to a charity organization. In this way, you contribute both to a better environment and to supporting a charitable organization.

How is the amount of captured carbon being calculated (CO2)?

The carbon capture is calculated by the organization Dutch Green. Each tree captures approximately 0.5 tons of CO2.

How to ensure quality tree planting process?

Trees4CO2 is your Norwegian partner in the CO2 capture process. All aspects will be organized and handled by us in the relation to our customers. We have a well-established partner in Africa with 20 years’ experience. Our partner has a highly experienced organization with management from Belgium/Africa. Better Globe Forestry has so far planted 3.6 million trees.

Where are the trees planted?

The trees are planted mainly in Kenya and Uganda.

How are the trees planted?

A significant majority of our trees are planted in what is described as dryland (uncultivated land). This is semi-arid and arid territory.

When are the trees harvested?

It varies depending on where the trees are planted. In Uganda, the trees are harvested after 15 years. In Kenya, the trees are harvested after 16-20 years.

Which type of tree is planted?

Mahogany trees planted in Kenya are developed and cultivated to become significant and powerful absorbers of carbon emissions. The tree planting is directed by our partner Better Globe Forestry and helps to restore ecosystems, biodiversity, as well as the crucial conversion of dryland to cultivated land.

Buy/donate trees

Calculate your carbon offset

Enter the number of people you want to offsett carbon emissions to, or calculate the carbon offsett value based of trees or tons.
A person living in Norway emits an average of 7 tonnes of CO2 per year

One-time Purchase
Monthly Subscription

Carbon offsett

tons of CO2

Number of trees




When you buy a tree we will replant the tree 3 times after harvesting. Together, we will then plant a purchased tree 4 times over a period of 80 years. You then contribute to a continuous capture of CO2 throughout this period.

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